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Canon LiDE 25 Driver

Canon LiDE 25 Driver for Windows 10

Canon canoSCAN LiDE 25 Scanner Driver Download.  Just what gains the Canon  LiDE 25 its very good ranking for pictures is not just the check high quality. The Twain motorist has such welcome touches as color repair that did an excellent work bringing color back to our faded test picture, dust elimination that did a practical work of electronically removing dirt specks from the scan, as well as backlight correction that highlighted the details at night locations of a picture without shedding information in the light locations. The dust-removal attribute is supposed to help tone down scratches too, but it really did not have much result on them in our tests.

Canon LiDE 25 Driver
Canon LiDE 25

Canon LiDE 25 Scan speed with the duplicate switch was so slow that we really felt obliged to time it separately. Undoubtedly, it took a complete minute to scan one web page at the default setting of 300 ppi as well as in color.

Read more :

Canon LiDE 110 Driver

Canon PIXMA G1000 Driver

Get the driver software for Canon LIDE 25 Driver for Windows 10 on the download link below :

Compatibility OS

Windows 10 / Windows 10 (x64) / Windows 8.1 / Windows 8.1 (x64) / Windows 8 / Windows 8 (x64) / Windows 7 / Windows 7 (x64) / Windows Vista / Windows Vista (x64) / Windows XP / Mac OS X v10.10 /Mac OS X v10.9 / Mac OS X v10.8 / Mac OS X v10.7 / Mac OS X v10.6 / Linux

Canon canoSCAN LIDE 25 Scanner Driver for Windows

Canon Lide 25 Driver Windows 10 Download 
Canon Lide 25 Driver Windows 7 (32-bit) Download 
Canon Lide 25 Software Windows 7 (32-bit) Download
Canon Lide 25 Software Windows 7 (32-bit) Download
Canon Lide 25 Driver Windows 7 x64 (64-bit) Download 
Canon Lide 25 Software Windows 7 x64 (64-bit) Download 
Canon Lide 25 Driver Windows Vista (32-bit) Download
Canon Lide 25 Driver Windows Vista x64 (64-bit) Download
Canon Lide 25 Driver Windows XP (32-bit) Download 

 Canon canoSCAN LIDE 25 Driver for Mac

Canon LIDE 25 Driver for Mac OS Download

How to install the Canon canoSCAN LIDE 25 Scanner Driver  :

  1. Click Open, and click the downloaded file.
  2. Accept the default location to save the file. Click Next, and wait until installer extracts the files..
  3. install the software until finish by Follow the instructions when wizard started
  4. Restart your PC or laptop
  5. Finish

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